Short anecdote: The old professor was a priest who taught us German. In deference to our professors back then, we stood beside our desks when we were called upon to answer a question. A classmate stood dutifully one time, but, in responding to the old priest, spoke his answer very quietly. “What?” the priest asked. “What are you saying?”
And then with the blunt manner in which he made most of his statements, the old priest said, “It’s pride that’s making you whisper your answer. You’re unsure of your answer, so you think that by whispering it, that somehow, if the answer is wrong, no one will notice. Because of the whisper, you have to say the answer twice or more, unwittingly attracting more attention to yourself just because in the first answer you were afraid you wouldn’t succeed. Pride. That’s what it is. Plain and simple.”
Are you still sitting? Are you still whispering? Does your fear that others will see you fail keep you from trying? Pride. That’s what it is. Plain and simple.